Church Membership
His Kingdom Church: Church Membership Information
We believe that the church is a local expression of the body of Christ, made up of individual members, each with wisdom, experience, and spiritual gifts. We believe that every person who is part of our church is equal and has something to contribute to the wider body (1 Cor 12; Eph 4:1-16). We also believe that, as the body of Christ, we are called to ‘submit one to another’ (Eph 5:21). This includes being committed to one another and recognising, respecting, and making room for the gifts of each member to function. Within this, we recognise that some have gifts of leading (i.e., those who are called pastors, elders, etc.), who have been placed by Jesus within the church to provide care, teaching, protection, and guidance (Eph 4, Acts 20:28-29; 1 Tim 3:1-12). It is through a culture the flows with mutual submission, commitment, respect, and making room for all the gifts of all the members, including the leaders, that the church moves forward in unity, power, and mission.
To enable the church to nurture this type of culture, we have a church membership scheme, which has three elements. This booklet contains information you need to consider whether you would like to become a member. It explains the vision, values, and leadership structure of the church, and the commitment of membership.
What is His Kingdom Church
We are a Jesus-focused, Spirit-filled church that is based in Kingston-Upon-Hull.
Our vision
Quite simply our vision is the person of Jesus. He is the One who has changed our lives. He is the One we live to worship and adore. His Kingdom is our passion. His glory is our only goal. In our city, our nation and the nations we live so that Jesus would be exalted and known. We worship Him, want to know Him, want to obey Him and want to serve Him. We are Jesus people!
We seek to be a church family that truly loves Jesus and truly loves each other. Food and fun are important to us! We love to eat together, laugh together, cry together, pray together, and do mission together!
Our greatest desire is to encounter the presence of Jesus. We are unashamedly a Pentecostal church. We believe in miracles and we believe in being filled with the Holy Spirit. When we gather, we do so with an expectancy that we will meet with Him!
His Kingdom Church is serious about the Bible! We place a high value on the teaching of God’s Word and this is reflected in our Sunday gatherings, Bible schools, and training programmes. We want to equip people to live for Jesus and bring His Kingdom to their world.
Statement of Faith
What we believe
Inspired Word of God
We believe that the Bible (i.e. the Old and New Testaments excluding the Apocrypha), is the inspired Word of God, the infallible, all sufficient rule for faith and practice.
Unity of the One True and Living GodWe believe in the unity of the One True and Living God who is the Eternal, Self-Existent “I AM”, Who has also revealed Himself as One being co-existing in three Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Life of Jesus
We believe in the Virgin Birth, Sinless Life, Miraculous Ministry, Substitutionary Atoning Death, Bodily Resurrection, Triumphant Ascension and Abiding Intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ and in His personal, visible, bodily return in power and glory as the blessed hope of all believers.
Fall of Man
We believe in the fall of man, who was created pure and upright, but fell by voluntary transgression.
Salvation through Faith
We believe in salvation through faith in Christ, who, according to the Scriptures, died for our sins, was buried and was raised from the dead on the third day, and that through His Blood we have Redemption.
New Birth
This experience is also known as the new birth, and is an instantaneous and complete operation of the Holy Spirit upon initial faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Baptism by immersion in water
We believe that all who have truly repented and believed in Christ as Lord and Saviour are commanded to be baptised by immersion in water.
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
We believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit as an enduement of the believer with power for service, the essential, biblical evidence of which is the speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
We believe in the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of Christ in the Church today.
Holiness of Life
We believe in holiness of life and conduct in obedience to the command of God.
Divine Healing
We believe that deliverance from sickness, by Divine Healing is provided for in the Atonement.
Breaking of BreadWe believe that all who have truly repented and believe in Christ as Lord and Saviour should regularly participate in Breaking of Bread.
Resurrection of all who truly believe in Jesus Christ
We believe in the bodily resurrection of all men, the everlasting conscious bliss of all who truly believe in our Lord Jesus Christ and the everlasting conscious punishment of all whose names are not written in the Book of Life.
What we do
- Sunday gatherings. Each week at 10.30am we gather for worship, the word and communion.
- Miracle Nights: Special times where we go deeper in worship and to encounter the Holy Spirit. These are usually held every two weeks on a Friday evening.
- Kingdom Kids: Meeting on Sunday mornings during the main service for children in primary school. Younger children will need to be accompanied by an adult.
- Kingdom Youth: Meeting weekly on a Wednesday night, for teenagers in secondary school.
- Kingdom Come: Our prayer ministry. We currently meet for prayer in person at 9.30am on Sundays and online on Tuesday at 7.30pm.
- Kingdom Now: Our conference weekends, which we run three times a year. These are special times of equipping with guest speakers.
- Kingdom Hubs: Midweek gatherings in people’s homes, coffee shops and pubs. Times for fellowship, discussion, prayer and to invite un-churched friends. See the website for details of the latest hubs.
- Kingdom Family events: Look out for regular social events – BBQ’s, trips to the beach, church walks, etc.
Our Leadership Structure:
We believe in the ministry gifts of Jesus
Andrew and Laura Murray are our current lead pastors. Their role is to help create the culture and core-values of His Kingdom Church. As a paid member of staff, Andrew takes on the daily running of the church and provides oversight to the various ministries.
We believe in team leadership
Our group of elders bring pastoral care, help develop strategy, and vision. They also minister God’s word to people, alongside the lead pastors. Our current elders are James and Nichola Seager, Keith and Christine Hall and Phillip and Deborah Banda.
We believe in good governance
Our trustees help make sure the church finances are in good order, all the correct policies are in place, and we are in good standing legally with the charity commission. Usually, trustees are also Elders, but from time to time it may be that additional trustees who are not elders are appointed. Our current trustees are Andrew and Laura Murray, James and Nichola Seager, Keith and Christine Hall.
We believe in accountability
We are part of the Assemblies of God group of churches that provides us with denominational accountability and helps to make sure our ministers are in good standing. In addition, our lead pastors are in regular contact with recognised apostolic leaders Randall Burton and Jon Colyer, who provide advice and pastoral support.
We believe in the body of Jesus
The leaders will seek to be as transparent as possible with our members regarding our church finances. We will also seek to keep the church informed and ask for the church’s input into key decisions such as future pastoral and eldership appointments, building moves, or major changes to our vision or values.
The Church’s Commitment to Members:
As a church, we are committed to seeing our members grow in their Christian faith as part of the Kingdom of Jesus. To do that, we are committed to two main things:
We will provide an environment in which our members can be transformed through experiencing the power of Jesus’ Kingdom through the Holy Spirit – in our Sunday services, miracle nights, prayer meetings, conferences, and other services.
We will provide teaching that will help our members to learn more of Jesus’ Kingdom, so that they are equipped to live as people of the Kingdom at home, work, school, and in church. This is usually done through our Sunday services, courses, and Kingdom Hubs.
In line with our value of ‘Family’, we are committed to caring for each other. This partly involves praying for our members and valuing and respecting them. It also includes having conversations about personal difficulties that members are facing – whether that be spiritual, relational, practical, or in their health. These conversations often happen around our organised Sunday services or mid-week activities. However, we are also committed to making time to meet with members 1-to-1 – outside of these gathered times – if they need extended pastoral support conversations or are unable to attend.
The Commitment of Membership
To be clear, His Kingdom Church will welcome, support, and include any person who attends, to the best of our ability – whether they are a member or not. However, we recognise that nurturing the culture described above requires members to be committed to two things:
Values and core beliefs
To help the church move forward in unity, members are committed to living by the core values of the church (Family, Encounter, Equip). This also includes agreeing with the Statement of Faith of Assemblies of God (the group of churches that we are part of).
Members are active partners in the work of the church. This includes being at our Sunday services as often as possible, and joining in with our mid-week activities where they can. Alongside this, the Bible teaches that those who were committed to the church gave financially (Acts 4:32; 2 Cor 8:1-15) and, as such, our members commit to giving to the church. It is also important that members attend and contribute to our members meetings, where possible.
Member’s meetings
Our members’ annual meetings are held once a year, which are an opportunity to thank God for what he has done, hear about the different types of ministries that the church is engaged with, have an overview of the church’s finances, and ask questions about the running of the church. During those meetings, some decisions may be discussed with our members and will ask them to affirm new leaders. There may be times when we call additional member’s meeting, if there are important issues to be discussed.
For clarity, it is important to note that for legal reasons the church is a charity and has trustees who are responsible in law for the good running of the organisation and finance. Therefore, the trustees may need to make decisions which some members are not comfortable with, but the trustees will always do their best to consider comments made by members. The leaders may also feel that, for confidentiality or other significant reasons, some issues are better dealt with in private by the Pastors and elders.
Criteria and Application for Membership
In order to be eligible to apply for membership, you must:
- Agree with the Statement of Faith of Assemblies of God and the values of the church;
- Have attended His Kingdom Church regularly over three months;
- Be baptised by full immersion, or be prepared to be baptised at our next baptismal service;
- Be 16 years old or over;
- Commit to regularly attending, serving, and giving to the church as appropriate in your own circumstances;
- Give permission for the church to hold data about you in relation to your membership.
- To begin an application for membership, please speak to one of the Lead Pastors or an elder.
- Membership will also need to be reviewed annually by completing a membership renewal card.